Sir Scrubbington's Blog

Competitive Pokemon (VGC) blog :^)

My haitus from competitive Pokemon and closure of the Brisbane Buzzwoles discord

Hi everyone, I'm making this post today to announce that I'm closing down the Brisbane Buzzwoles discord and taking a break from live VGC events (aside from the occasional PC/MSS) indefinitely. This has been a hard decision for me to make, as I have so many great memories in that discord but I feel like it has long since outgrown its usefulness and there are other more prominent Australian VGC communities around now (i.e. the Aus VGC discord) which players would be better off joining instead. The discord has not been active for a long time, and I don't really have the time nor energy to change that nowadays. If you are reading this, I have privated all channels and replaced the announcements with a link to the Aus VGC discord, which you can also join here. If you need anything from the Buzzwoles discord, please feel free to ask me - I will be keeping the contents of the server for at least the next twelve months.

As for my own participation in VGC, I know I recently said that I was planning on continuing playing. However, I've since come to accept that the level of stress VGC puts me through isn't really worth it anymore, and I don't really want to feel like I have to commit my weekends every time a local event pops up. I still love playing doubles and teambuilding, so I will try to play the occasional local event but I am currently not intending to play at regional level or higher events in the future (at least for any extent further than just getting the entry prizes).

As for my VGC / other web apps, I am planning to continue maintaining these when new updates drop for the forseeable future.

Thanks everyone for reading, I've had many great years of playing with you all and I hope that my motivation to compete one day will return. Otherwise, I'll see you around :)